Ableforth’s Rumbullion! XO 15yr 46,2%


    Wie schmeckt dieser Rum?

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    Holzig Lakritze Fass Tabak


    Süß Holzig Gebrannter Zucker Zimt


    Vollmundig Süß Adstringent Weich

    Wie wird dieser Rum bewertet?

    15 Bewertungen

    Top 38%

    Mehrere Länder

    Top 33%

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    "Tastes for me clearly like a Port mourant or Diamond Guyana rum which still comes through clearly and gets a 2nd taste direction through the spices and thus becomes very quaffable. But not necessarily worth 70€ + 0.5 liters and probably also sweetened"

    Photo of the rum  taken from user crazyforgoodbooze
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    "7,5:The nose of this rum has all the makings of an elegant candy and is very sweet, but round. Cinnamon, vanilla and orange peel seem to have come a long way together, blending and harmonizing to create an almost woody ambience. 7,4:The palate is soft, but not at all sweet, offering a really pleasant texture. The spices take charge, almost bringing a graininess to the palate. The orange peel is carried by this spicy bouquet, before returning the favor with a slow decline. 7,1:The finish is quite long, spicy, with orange peel."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user LukaŽiga
    Profile picture of user

    "Blind tasting Colour amber Aroma menthol, liquorice, cola nut Taste varnished cabinet, varnish, herbal liqueur - jagermaister, cinnamon, aniseed Shorter to medium-long finish Abv around 45% I haven't had anything like this, I wouldn't even say it's a rum"

    Profile picture of user

    "This is not for me , far too harsh on flavours of orange and aniseed . Like a Christmas pudding I'm a glass which some people in the market will love, sadly not this rum drinker ... This is a very clogy liquid so it's clearly dosed with loads of sugar .. I would be interested in the hydrometer reading of this sample ."


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    Eckdaten des Rums

    Ableforth’s Rumbullion!
    RumX ID
    Spiced Rum
    Hergestellt aus
    15 Jahre
    Art der Spirituose
    Atom Supplies Limited 15yr &nbsp; 46,2% Ableforth’s Rumbullion! XO

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