Cadenhead‘s Uitvlugt GM 1974 30yr 61,5%


    Wie schmeckt dieser Rum?

    Meist genannte Geschmacksrichtungen


    Dörrpflaume Fass Holzig Melasse


    Karamell Komplex Konzentriert Kräftig


    Fass Holzig Getrocknete Früchte Anis

    Wie wird dieser Rum bewertet?

    9 Bewertungen
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    "Exemplary for the profile of the great Demeraras from the 70s, only with the downer that the alcohol is clearly less gallantly integrated compared to other outstanding representatives of this unfortunately long-gone era. This results in a slight imbalance, to which probably also the last refinement falls victim - I miss here, for example, even more concise dried fruit notes. Overall, however, the bottling still hits the core of the Demerara longing profile and puts the bulk of today's Guyana bottlings effortlessly in the bag."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Jakob
    Profile picture of user

    "Habe diesen als Geschenk zu meinem 40. bekommen und habe auch Notizen.Ein sehr dunkler Rum, sehr ölig und fruchtig. Die Flasche ist schon lange weg, aber ich hätte gerne ein paar Reserven."

    Profile picture of user

    "Once again an extremely good PM in the old style. Rather musty-woody on the nose, not a plum bomb on the palate, but still fruity, woody, slightly bitter, alcohol well integrated. Long finish."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Johannes
    Profile picture of user

    "An incredibly intense and complex aroma bomb, even outside the surroundings are flooded with it. Very old, wet and musty wood. Concentrated treacle, hardly any PM plays with it so intensely. Dried plums, dates and raisins. Fresh pipe tobacco, black tea and finally some herbs and mocha It starts off pleasantly sweet and oily, with this intense treacle with brown sugar and concentrated stewed plums. After a few seconds, the enormous spiciness in the form of wet wood, cask, herbs, tobacco and aniseed follows and then combines perfectly with the bitterness, which becomes increasingly intense in the finish. I don't find the bitterness at all disturbing here, as it simply fits the profile of the PM in the mouth and everything together forms a harmonious "symbiosis" For me, this is a very complete Port Mourant that leaves little to be desired if you are generally a fan of this old style. For a long time, the exceptionally high availability and rather low prices on the secondary market gave the impression that this was a classic underdog. Conversations with friends confirmed this, among other things. An assumption that was completely wrong"

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Christoph H.


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    Eckdaten des Rums

    RumX ID
    Pot Still Rum
    Hergestellt aus
    Pot Still
    30 Jahre
    Art der Spirituose
    Cadenhead‘s • Uitvlugt 1974   30yr   61,5% GM

    Wie entwickelt sich der Preis dieses Rums?

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    Über die Uitvlugt Destillerie

    Die Destillerie Uitvlugt befindet sich in Guyana. Rums von Uitvlugt wurden 1.744 mal mit einem Durchschnitt von 8.5/10 bewertet.

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