Asta Morris Rasta Morris 2003 15yr 63,4%


    Wie schmeckt dieser Rum?

    Meist genannte Geschmacksrichtungen


    Gewürz Zedernholz Muskatnuss Nussig


    Würzig Röstig Tabak Karamell


    Leder Gewürz Kräuter Geröstete Mandeln

    Wie wird dieser Rum bewertet?

    9 Bewertungen
    Profile picture of user

    "Interesting, first slightly bitter and woody, then explosively fruity currant, then herbaceous-grassy finish. Definitely tobacco and cigar. Top. Absolutely something for whiskey friends."

    Profile picture of user

    "Un nez d'une gourmandise extrême caramel, chocolat, vanille et cannelle s'entremêlent. Après ouverture ce gâteau accueille des notes de fruits rouges(cerise?) Discrètes mais très agréables. En bouche, on retrouve les notes du nez avec des notes mentholées, toujours les fruits rouges mais plus acides (framboise ou groseille) et un tabac légèrement piquant qui vient donner tout son caractère à ce rhum. Finale agréablement longue."

    Profile picture of user

    "The nose is floral and buttery with hazelnuts! But also fruity: cherry! Some sweeter, woody aromas emerge. Pleasant but unspectacular. Dry on the palate! Leathery/tobacco notes. The finish is slightly acidic! The woody/spicy profile is heavier and more bitter. Not really my thing, to be honest. A little disappointed by this reference. At one point, it even reminded me of a whisky... It's a far cry from the profiles of the latest TDL 2003 releases that were so appealing to me: CDI Caksus and Samaroli RDV."

    Profile picture of user

    "Sweet trinidad?"


    Eckdaten des Rums

    Rasta Morris
    RumX ID
    #RM 006
    Hergestellt aus
    15 Jahre
    Anzahl der Flaschen
    Art der Spirituose
    Asta Morris 2003   15yr   63,4% Rasta Morris

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