Albert Michler Distillery Dominican Rep. (For Varadero Rum & Cigar) House) 13yr 49%


    Wie schmeckt dieser Rum?

    Meist genannte Geschmacksrichtungen


    Vanille Getrocknete Früchte Marshmallow Süß


    Würzig Vanille Kokosnuss Zitrusfrüchte


    Holzig Gewürz Vanille Röstig

    Wie wird dieser Rum bewertet?

    16 Bewertungen

    Top 36%

    Dominikanische Republik

    Profile picture of user

    "Such a sweet vanilla taste"

    Profile picture of user

    "Absolutely love this rum. Aroma is full of sweet scents (honey, vanilla), love the combination of roses and mango fruit in it. Taste is also very sweet (could not believe that there is not any added sugar in it). I noticed smoke/wood taste with vanilla and spice. I love the citrus flavor with, just a little hint of alcohol flavor. Finish was in medium range mostly very warmy, woody and sweet. This was my first bottle of private filling so for me it is a special one. Great rum with lot of flavors and scents for a great price. If you ever have an opportunity to try do not hesitate."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Matej


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    Eckdaten des Rums

    RumX ID
    Hergestellt aus
    13 Jahre 2mo
    Anzahl der Flaschen
    Art der Spirituose
    Albert Michler Distillery 13yr   49% Dominican Rep. (For Varadero Rum & Cigar) House)

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