
Es gibt 36 Rums von Slowakei in der RumX Datenbank.

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Top bewertete Slowakei Rums

Professorado Caribbean Elixir

St. Nicolaus
RX9166   38%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumProfessorado Caribbean Elixir
6.0/10 (23)

Top-Bewertung von LukaŽiga:

"5,8:On the nose it is quite intense right after opening the bottle. We can scent soft pepper, plums and raisins from the fruits, vanilla, roasted coffee and dark chocolate. Seems quite balanced on the first impression. 5,5:On the palate, there is caramel, then orange peel and pepper, nutty, vanilla and a little fruity. Of course, alcoholic... More woody than competition from Eastern Europe. 5:The finish is a bit woody and alcoholic, quickly wanes."

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53 Bewertungen

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