Tschechische Republik

Es gibt 102 Rums von Tschechische Republik in der RumX Datenbank.

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Top bewertete Tschechische Republik Rums

Božkov Republica Solera

Stock Plzeň
RX15824   38%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBožkov Republica Solera
6.1/10 (12)

Top-Bewertung von rum_sk:

"👃 is similar to guyana, roasted or burnt sugar, toasted wood, heavy on cocoa, dark chocolate, burnt caramel and alcohol. 👅 is sweeter lots of milk chocolate, caramel, vanilla. Essentially in the 👄 it is better than the nose. This is much better than exclusiva or reserva edition. Finish is surprisingly short to medium long."

Božkov Republica Reserva

Stock Plzeň
RX11525   12yr   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBožkov Republica Reserva
5.7/10 (18)

Top-Bewertung von Karlheinz Markhof:

"The Exclusive is enough"

Božkov Republica Espresso

Stock Plzeň
RX11858   35%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBožkov Republica Espresso
5.0/10 (15)

Top-Bewertung von rum_sk:

"Very sweet coffee liqueur. It is not bad as per se. Good as an aperitif or after lunch like i am having now. It is also good combination with coffee- espresso but I have to say I prefer Espero Coffee instead. This one is even sweeter and a bit artificial."

Božkov Republica Exclusive

Stock Plzeň
RX3650   38%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBožkov Republica Exclusive
5.0/10 (60)

Top-Bewertung von Gregor :

"Unfortunately too sweet"

Božkov Republica Honey

Stock Plzeň
RX11859   35%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBožkov Republica Honey
4.9/10 (15)

Top-Bewertung von Gregor :

"Leider ist der Honig ziemlich künstlich"

Bozkov Tradiční

Stock Plzeň
RX2911   Unaged   35%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBozkov Tradiční
1.9/10 (12)

Top-Bewertung von Pavel Spacek:

"Every rum, even the bad one is drinkable with coke. Except for this one..."

Bozkov Originál Tuzemský

Stock Plzeň
RX9197   Unaged   37,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBozkov Originál Tuzemský
1.7/10 (15)

Top-Bewertung von MarcT:

"Oh well, holiday times bear strange gifts. In this case... Is it even Rum? I had to look it up, and it seems to contain something called "Rumshake"... At least they are honest and also write the added vanllin and sugar. So, this might or might or might not contain some Rum, like German "Inländer Rum" brands that mix high flavour Jamaican Rum with cheaper neutral alcohol. Well... Let's try. Sweet. Vanillin. Honestly not as horrific as feared and defnitely above a certain pharmacist brand... Might have it's fans. But... It's not for the Rum Enthusiasts - I mean, they advertise it's use for bakery products even!"

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216 Bewertungen

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