
Es gibt 100 Rums von Belgien in der RumX Datenbank.

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Top bewertete Belgien Rums

World‘s End Rum Tiki Spiced

2240 Social Club
RX1799   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumWorld‘s End Rum Tiki Spiced
8.3/10 (19)

Top-Bewertung von Gregor :

"Officially no rum. But the manufacturer is very transparent about this. Nevertheless, for a change, a nice one with which it can also be mixed very well. Good in combination with grapefruit juice and Angostura."

Shack Red Spiced

RX7589   5yr   37,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumShack Red Spiced
8.0/10 (13)

Top-Bewertung von Yentel R:

"Very fruity; a sharp cherry nose and taste."

Sir Chill’s Barrel Rum

Sir Chill
RX5235   37%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSir Chill’s Barrel Rum
7.6/10 (20)

Top-Bewertung von Werner10:

"This would probably be very nice with a sigar. Very smooth, sweet and with hints of tobacco. Between 40 and 45€ in most Belgian shops for 50cl makes it a bit too expensive imo"

1836 Belgian Organic Rum Whisky Cask

RX7128   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rum1836 Belgian Organic Rum Whisky Cask
7.0/10 (10)

Dark Spiced

2240 Social Club • World‘s End Rum
RX847   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumDark Spiced
7.0/10 (21)

Top-Bewertung von Lutz Lungershausen :

"07.2024 Erster Eindruck: Jägermeister? Nase: reiche Aromen von Trockenpflaume, Rosine und einer geballten Ladung Gewürzen Gaumen: sehr süß, sehr würzig, Rum tritt in den Hintergrund Abgang: kurz & würzig, leichte Schärfe Gesamteindruck: ordentlich würzig, sehr süß, geht mehr in Richtung Jägermeister. Hab keine Idee, was ich damit machen soll. <2020 Reminds me more of Jägermeister than a Rum"

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239 Bewertungen

Geschmacksprofil von Belgien

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Alle Rums von Belgien

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